Water sports Ireland - Provides information about the types of water sports available. - http://www.water.ireland.ie
Kiteboarding Ireland - Photographs of and information on kiteboarding. - http://kiteboardingireland.com
Currach building, racing, rowing - A personal site giving info on currach building racing and rowing as well as aggregating links to other sites related to this field - http://currachs.thisbetterworld.org
Irish Optimist Association - Introduction by the President of IODAI, news, events, information package, photographs, archives, items for sale, and message board are included. - http://www.iodai.com/
Irish Water Polo Association - National body provides news, results, links and contact details. - http://www.irelandwaterpolo.com/
Activity Ireland - This site gives details of a range of land and sea activities on the East and West Coast of Ireland. Water-based activities are Angling and Scuba Diving. - http://www.activity-ireland.com
International Sailing - Teaches dinghy and cruiser sailing, powerboating, navigation and windsurfing. Accommodation is also available onsite. Located in Cobh, Co. Cork. - http://www.sailcork.com/
Ireland Afloat - Magazine covering all forms of boating in Ireland and the UK. - http://www.afloat.ie/
Irish Rowing - General site about the state of rowing in Ireland. - http://www.irishrowing.com/