TEFL Ireland - Offers TEFL courses in Dublin, Galway, Cork, Waterford, Kilkenny and Belfast. - http://www.teflireland.com
Gradireland.com - Offering careers advice, information on graduate jobs and postgraduate study. - http://www.gradireland.com
Higher Education Authority - Information on higher education and research in Ireland. Includes links to universities and other colleges, European programmes such as Erasmus and Tempus. - http://www.hea.ie/
Paddy Clancy Scholarship Fund - Providing a resource of traditional Irish musicians between America and Ireland. - http://www.ul.ie/~iwmc/paddy-clancy/biog.html
O'Reilly Foundation Scholarship Programme - Annual Irish student scholarship. Information on the history of the foundation, how to apply and other details. - http://www.oreillyfoundation.ie