Kalypso Hotel - A hotel located in the village of Agios Nikitas; includes profile, facilities and reservation form. - http://www.kalypsohotel.com/
Porto Fico Hotel - Facilities, pictures and contact information of this hotel located in Vasiliki. - http://www.portofico.gr/
Best Western Odeon Hotel - Boutique hotel in the village of Vassiliki; includes pictures, area information, facilities, online reservations. - http://www.vassiliki.com/
Philippos Hotel - Facilities and online booking of these 15 studios and 6 two rooms apartments, located in Nikiana. - http://www.hotelphilippos.com
Adriatica Hotel - Offers rooms, studios, and luxury suites in Nikiana; includes photos, details on amenities, and contact information. - http://www.adriatica.gr/
San Giovanni - Includes details on accommodations, facilities, prices, and reservations; located in Agios Ioannis. - http://www.sangiovanni.gr/
Porto Ligia Hotel - Includes details on the facilities, a virtual tour, and a reservation form for this accommodation on the bay of Ligia. - http://www.portoligia.gr/
Agni Studios - Find photos and prices for this facility located near the port of Nikiana. - http://www.agni-studios.gr/
George Hotel - Offers rooms and studios in Nydri; includes photos and a reservation form. - http://www.hotelgeorge.gr/
Florena Hotel - Includes photos, rates and a surround video for this small hotel overlooking the sea in Episkopo. - http://www.florenahotel.gr/
Vliho Bay Hotel - Information on this hotel, the Villa Maria, and the island. - http://www.vlihobay.com