Gommern - Offers facts about the town and administration. A list of important buildings and telephone numbers is provided along with information about business and the industrial park. Photos show some of the sight in and around the town. - http://www.gommern.de/
SATVIA Maschinen- und Bohrgerätebau GmbH - Provides specifications for drilling rigs, equipment and accessories for the drilling industry which are manufactured or sold used. - http://www.satvia.de/
Brunnen und Bohrlochinspektion GmbH - Provides inspection of water wells, geophysical well logging, material exploration, and drilling services. Information about the services which are offered. - http://www.bbi.de/
MicroPro - Microbiological Laboratories - The company offers services in microbial prospection for Oil and Gas (MPOG). Images and examples provide information about their work. - http://www.microprolabs.de/