Weinert, Susan - Jazz guitarist and bandleader. Includes discography, tourplan, and gig diary. - http://www.metacoon-services.com/mcswb/
Gegenort, the Virtual Mine - Documentation of a global arts event at the old coal mine of Neunkirchen-Wellesweiler. - http://www.the-virtual-mine.net/
Hamba Filltec Wellesweiler - Producer of machines for filling and closing of pasty and liquid products in pre-formed cups and bottles made of plastic materials. - http://www.hamba.de/
Intermet GmbH Wellesweiler - Designs and manufactures ductile iron castings especially for disc brakes in the automotive sector. Capabilities and range of end products are presented. - http://www.intermet-neunkirchen.de/
Gebhardt, Ro - Jazz guitarist, composer, and bandleader. Includes biography, discography, and gig schedule. - http://www.rogebhardt.de/
Ropimex R. Opel GmbH - Manufactures mobile screens and shower splash protection screens for healthcare institutions and nursing homes. - http://www.ropimex.com/
SGGT Hydraulik GmbH - Offers equipment for water hydraulics and descaling in steel and rolling mills. - http://www.sggt-wh.de/
Tschan GmbH - Manufacturer of rollastic and torsionally rigid, non-switchable shaft couplings for industrial application under severe conditions. Contains details of available brands and products, directory of distributors, installation and operating instructions, and - http://www.tschan.de/