FemBio Special - Notable women of Hanover. - http://www.fembio.org/women-from/women-from-hannover.shtml
Foro Artistico - International media art forum, with information on events, exhibitions and artists involved. - http://www.foro-artistico.de/
International Women's Association Hannover - Not-for-profit support group for women with an international background who live in the Hannover area. Calendar of meetings, book recommendations and contact information. - http://www.iwah.de/
Hannover International Bible Church - Provides information on the Church for English speaking visitors to, or residents of the city. - http://www.hannoveribc.com/
Johanneskirche - Congregation of the Evangelical-Methodist Church in Germany. Church information, testimonials and statements of belief, calendar of events, photographs, information about the Wesley Café youth project and about specific services/events for English-speaki - http://www.johanneskirche-hannover.de/home_e.htm
WesleyCafé - Wesleyan presence in Hanover. Information about a church project and café run by the methodist church, Hanover branch. - http://www.johanneskirche-hannover.de/seiten/wesleycafe_e.htm