Words-Worth - List of links in alphabetical order by German language to German laws available in English translation. - http://www.words-worth.de/robin/german-law/
Dr. Ingo Westermann - The Lawyer from Munich gives informations about forensic services, trade secret protection and economic law. - http://www.westermann.ws/
Kancelaria Prawna Bender Zahn Tigges - German law firm with informations about the team, the fields of activity, the locations and news. - http://www.tigges-info.de/
German Constitution - Basic law translation for the Federal Republic of Germany written on May 23, 1949 and amended by the Unification Treaty of August 31,1990. (German/English) - http://www.lib.byu.edu/~rdh/eurodocs/germ/ggeng.html
Law-Related Internet Project Saarbrücken - Offers publications, news, resources and links on German and European Law. Multilingual site. - http://www.jura.uni-sb.de/english/index.html
Jusline - Information for German lawyers -statutes, precedents, courts, lawyers, notaries and experts. - http://www.jusline.de
Studying Law in Germany - Information and links on studying in Germany. Provided by the University of Saarbrücken. - http://www.jura.uni-sb.de/english/stud.html
University of Saarland German Law in English Project - A guide to German Law resources available on the Internet in the English language. Lots of useful links on all areas of German law. - http://www.jura.uni-sb.de/english/glsindex.html
German Law Archive - German law in English language: offered by the University of Oxford. Provides information on statutes, judgments, literature, bibliographies, a database and discussion forum. - http://www.iuscomp.org/gla/