Château de Cirey - Voltaire's Petit Theatre - One of the few remaining examples of an early theater. Description, photographs and history. -
International Theatre Institute - International organization of theatre professionals under the umbrella of Unesco. Objectives, membership, events and publications. Located in Paris. -
Théâtre de la Ville, Théâtre Sarah-Bernhardt - Municipal theatre in Paris. Location, history and brief biography of French actress Sarah Bernhardt. -
Ouèbe Théâtre-Etudes - Theatre and studies section of the INSA. Located in Lyon. -
ATTIC People - Lecoq-trained international physical theatre company based in Paris, France. Includes news, performer bios, photos, tour, and workshop dates. -
International Association of Theatre Critics - Promotes theatre criticism as a discipline and contributes to reciprocal awareness and understanding between cultures. Aims, history and newsletter. Based in Paris. -