- An official homepage of the City of Turku. Here you find information about different services as well as statistics in various topics. A list of pictures from the city and its surroundings.
- http://www.turku.fi/english/index.html
Turku Tournament - Annual youth ice hockey tournament. Timetable, rules and entry form. - http://www.turkuturnaus.com/
FMI - Local Weather - Five-day forecast and recent observations. - http://www.fmi.fi/weather/local.html?kunta=Turku
Turku Jazz - Promoting jazz music in the area. Pictures of their annual happening. - http://www.turkujazz.fi/
Turku Art Museum - Presents current exhibitions, history of the museum and the collection. - http://www.turuntaidemuseo.fi/
Christmas City of Finland - Local Christmas traditions and events. [Flash required.] - http://www.christmascity.com/