WHO - Estonia - Health indicators and reports on Estonia. - http://www.who.int/countries/est/en/
Tallinna Optika - Operates several spectacles stores around the country and includes the services of optometrists and ophthalmologists. [Estonian, English, Finnish, Russian] - http://www.opti.ee/
AIDS Prevention Centre - Information and statistics about the disease. Lists testing and treatment facilities. [Estonian, English, Russian] - http://www.aids.ee/
Health Guidance - An online health database of articles and guides, covering many medical topics. Estonian based. - http://www.healthguidance.org/
Tervisekaitseserver - English-language documents from the government's Health Protection Inspectorate, including background on the inspectorate and its activities, communicable disease reports, drinking water and beach reports, and other public health data. - http://www.tervisekaitse.ee/tkuus.php?act=english