Korvipood - Makes braiding products from cultivated osier or willow, such as furniture and baskets. [Estonian, English, Finnish] - http://www.korvipood.ee/
Ilmarine - Metal construction and machine building. Steel, stainless steel and aluminum. [Estonian, English, Russian, Finnish] - http://www.ilmarine.ee/
Oldmill - Yarn and wool company. Natural products without chemicals. Information on how to order. - http://www.oldmill.ee/
Leibur - Bread factory, short overview of products. [Estonian, English] - http://www.leibur.ee/
Aura Trükk - A printing plant. Overview of products and services. [Estonian, English, Russian, Finnish, German, Latvian] - http://www.aura.ee/
Airline Management - Offers representation services to various airlines and other companies in tourism sector in Baltics. - http://www.lennukeskus.ee/
Paljassaare Fish Factory - Producer and exporter of fish products. [Estonian, English, Russian] - http://www.esva.ee/
Pajo Printing House - Design and printing services. [Estonian, English] - http://www.pajoprint.ee/
Da Vinci Food - Importer of Italian food products. [Estonian, English] - http://www.davincifood.ee/horeca/
Bergström Grupp - Wooden cremation urns. Made from fine northern Ash. [Estonian, English] - http://www.bergstrom.ee/
Tallinn for Investors - Investment news, guide and opportunities. Official site. [Estonian, English and others] - http://www.tallinn.ee/eng/g2618
Estonian Fairs - Calendar of forthcoming events. Information about the fair grounds and its facilities. [Estonian, English] - http://www.fair.ee/
ArtMap - Sells rights to an artistic map of Tallinn detailing streets and buildings. - http://www.tallinn-map.info/
Balti Sepik - Bakery producing baguettes, bread, cookies, snacks and frozen products. [Estonian, English] - http://www.baltisepik.ee/
Sanika Model Boats - Reseller of Billing Boats. Hobby model boats and ships. [Estonian, English, Russian] - http://www.sanika-model-boat.com/
Vesiiri - Accounting and bookkeeping services for companies and associations. - http://www.vesiir.ee/
Liivikas - Provides services connected with the foundation and sale of registered companies. [Estonian, English, Russian, Finnish] - http://www.liivikas.ee/
Mendali - Construction materials for partitions, such as toilet cubicles, shower partitions, movable partitions and glass partitions. [Estonian, English, Russian] - http://www.mendali.ee/
Telegrupp - Telecommunication and networking products and services. [Estonian, English] - http://www.telegrupp.ee/
Angloestonian - An Internet marketing agency and strategic consultancy. - http://www.angloestonian.com/
Baltic Lift Rent - Rent and sale of forklifts. [Estonian, English] - http://www.liftrent.ee/