Letuska - Air travel booking service. Includes facility to search for flights by date, place of departure, or destination, plus booking of partner services. - http://www.letuska.cz/
Discover Czech - Offers organizing individual vacation, provides information on various regions, types of accommodation, and creates a travel plan. - http://www.discoverczech.com
Affy Travel - Lists travel services and hotels in the Czech Republic. - http://www.affytravel.com
Universal Tour Travel Company - Offers accommodation, package tours, accommodation, health treatment, and transport service. - http://www.volny.cz/unitour/
Allczech travel - Reservation service for hotels, city tours, trips, and car rentals. - http://www.allczech.com/en/
E-hotelline - Hotel reservation service. Searchable directory available, with basic information for each location and option to order. - http://www.e-hotelline.com/