Didier Volcke - Deals in and hires agricultural machinery. West Flanders. - http://www.volcke.com
Huis Vallaey - Farming machines and tractors. Second hand agricultural machinery. Self propelled forage harvesters all year available. - http://www.huisvallaey.be/
AgroMachine - Market place for used equipment. Offers pre-owned equipment like used tractors, transport, agriculture, construction, material handling and forest machines. Located in Londerzeel. - http://www.agromachine.com/
Crop Design - An agbiotech company that develops crops with improved traits such as higher yield, heightened tolerance to stress and better quality - mainly in rice, corn and other cereals. Gent. - http://www.cropdesign.com/
Vert Service - Agricultural machinery. Distribution of second hand compact tractors (Kubota Iseki) and new accessories. Also offers an extensive range of new ATV'S (quads) accessories. Battice. - http://www.vertservice.net/
Rantsoen - Information about Crimpstore, grain crimping, ration calculation, feed minerals for ruminants. Waarschoot. - http://www.rantsoen.be/
Sterken Jan - Tree nursery, assessment and arboriculture. Blankenberge. - http://www.sterken.be/
Van Robaeys - Pigeon feeds, grains and seeds. Grain mixes for pigeons racing pigeons, products for pigeons and racing pigeons. Rekkem. - http://www.vanrobaeysnv.be/
VDS - Production and consulting of livestock and aquaculture feeds and concentrates. - http://www.vds-afs.be/
Carolus C. - Tree nursery. Specializes in breeding fruit trees. - http://www.carolustrees.com/
Deroose Plants - Specializes in improving and multiplying Bromeliads, Spathiphyllum, carnivorous plants, House bamboo and various other plants. - http://www.derooseplants.com/
Mechelse Veilingen - The biggest vegetable auctions in Europe. Information about the Flandria vegetables and about auction procedures. Links to recipes, gardening, commerce, and authorities. - http://www.mechelseveilingen.be/
IFT Services - Consultants for the poultry industry and animal feed production. Also provides business plans ,technical studies, trouble shooting and coaching. - http://www.ift-poultry.com/
Flanamat - Flanders Natural Materials is internationally active in the development of high-quality fertilizers and soil conditioners. - http://www.flanamat.com/
Clivia Pierre De Coster - Grower and exporter of colorful clivia plants. With a list of distributors. - http://www.cliviadecoster.com/
INVE - A multinational group of companies of Belgian origin, specialized in the development, production and commercialization of premixes, starters and other specialty feeds for agriculture and aquaculture. - http://www.inve.be/