Ramirez and Remirez - Specialities include legal services in trademarks, patents and copyright prosecution, corporation law, and taxes. [English/Spanish] - http://www.ramirezyramirezlaw.com/
Alvarado & Asociados - Firm offering services including intellectual property, taxation, and labor law. Describes areas of practice and partners. - http://www.alvaradoyasociados.com.ni
Agencia Técnica de Propiedad Industrial - Firm specializing in intellectual and industrial property law. Describes services offered and links to relevant laws. [English/Spanish] - http://www.juris.com.ni
Guy José Bendaña-Guerrero & Asociados - Firm specializing in intellectual property. Gives organization history and information on current practice, with background documents on legal issues. [English/Spanish] - http://www.guybendana.com.ni
Caldera & Solano Compania Limitada - Specializes in intellectual property and sanitary and health registrations. Details areas of practice. [English/Spanish] - http://www.caldesol.com.ni/