Xela Teco - Describes products, service and pricing of a small manufacturing enterprise which produces biodigesters, windmills, and water pumps. - http://www.xelateco.com/
Xela Pages - Includes Spanish schools, hotels, restaurants, tours and treks, volunteer opportunities, bars, health services, and internet cafes. - http://xelapages.com/
La Pedrera Community Project - A grassroot indigenous community project empowering its people to learn basic skills in education, economic and social issues to improve their living conditions in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. - http://www.casaxelaju.com/pedrera
Quetzaltenango Map - Full color map of quetzaltenango, restaurants, shopping centers, phones, buses, internet, and hotels. - http://www.larutamayaonline.com/map.html