Mighty Rivers Eco-farm - Offers lodging at a family farm which produces gourmet ice cream. Information about the animals and natural feeding methods, and area tours of the Caribbean coast. - http://www.mightyrivers.net/
Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center - Biological research center dedicated to the conservation of Neotropical frogs and amphibians. Includes research and projects, a laboratory, a forest cabin for visitors, and nature guide services. Siquirres. - http://www.cramphibian.com/
Bosque Lluvioso - Rainforest preserve and research station in Guapiles, Limon. Includes information on the organization, board of directors, membership and donations. - http://www.bosque-u.com/
Talamanca Discovery - A grassroots page devoted to eco-oriented small businesses, lodges, tours, adventures, and information. - http://www.greencoast.com/