Eleuthera.com - Directory and tourist guide. Vacation rentals, real estate, activities, beaches, restaurants, fishing and dive charters. - http://www.eleuthera.com
Bahama Louie - Information about fish, birds, snakes and other animals found in Eleuthera. - http://www.bahamalouie.com/
Why Eleuthera? - A European couple provide a guide to the island where they live. - http://www.discover-eleuthera-bahamas.com
Eleuthera Map - Maps, photos and links to vacation villas, homes and rentals on Eleuthera. - http://www.eleuthera-map.com
Harbour Island - Interactive map with photos. Independent reviews and links to web sites for vacation rentals, hotels, restaurants, weather, and air travel. - http://www.harbourislandguide.com
The Briland Modem - News and information resource by and for Harbour Island and North Eleuthera. - http://www.briland.com
My Harbour Island aka Briland - Travel tips, insider insights, and lots of photos from people who live on Harbour Island, aka Briland. - http://myharbourisland.com