Smithsonian Magazine: Silk Robes and Cell Phones - Three decades after Frances FitzGerald won a Pulitzer Prize for Fire in the Lake, her classic work on Vietnam, she returned with photojournalist Mary Cross. In an adaptation from their new book, Vietnam: Spirits of the Earth, they document a dynamic socie -
Adopt Vietnam - Vietnam adoption guide plus notes on Vietnamese culture, language, celebrations, holidays, recipes and stories. -
Vietnam Then and Now - An educational site which includes information on the history, people, culture, geography, and government of Vietnam. -
Vietnam Adoption Webring - Network of family websites with resources about child adoption in Vietnam. -
Viettouch - Provides overviews of culture and history of Vietnam as well as detailed information on art, music, architecture, ceramics and philately. -
British Council Vietnam - Partnering with the Vietnamese people to build long-term relationships and have access to British ideas and expertise. Information on education, arts, governance and English language learning. -