Tieng Hat Que Huong - Performance group devoted to the preservation, development and promotion of Vietnamese traditional music. - http://www.tienghatquehuong.com/
Tran Van Khe - Curriculum vitae, biography and a list of publications of this renowned ethnomusicologist. - http://www.philmultic.com/tran/
Pham Duc Thanh - Traditional instrumentalist's biography, concerts, press reviews and booking information. - http://www.philmultic.com/artists/pham/
Ngoc Bich Ngan - Biography, albums, CDs, photos, guestbook and information about the singer. - http://www.ngocbichngan.com/
Le Toan Music - Biography, photo gallery, performance schedule, MIDI, CDs and albums, lyrics and information about musician Le Toan. Also in Vietnamese. - http://www.letoan.com/