LG TeleCom - PCS service provider. Available services, investment information, and guide for foreigners. [Korean, English] - http://www.lgtelecom.com/eng/index.jsp
Hanaro Telecom, Inc. - Telephone and broadband internet connection service provider, with web and mail hosting and internet roaming. [Korean, English] - http://www.hanaro.com/eng/
Korea Telephone Directory - Directory publishing firm, also a subsidiary of Korea Telecom. [Korean, English] - http://www.ktdc.co.kr/eng/eng_index.htm
Korea Telecom - Corporate profile and information about employment and services. [Korean, English, Chinese] - http://www.kt.co.kr/
SK Telecom - Mobile phone service provider, also conducts research and development. [Korean, English, Chinese] - http://www.sktelecom.com/