Uniquely Singapore
- The official website for tourist information including tours, attractions, promotions and events.
- http://www.visitsingapore.com/
Lonely Planet Destinations - Tourist information on Singaporean history, events, and attractions; includes recommended readings on Singapore. - http://www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/destinations/asia/singapore/
Singapore for Kids - Tourist information for visitors with children including attractions, food, entertainment and tours. - http://www.singaporeforkids.com/
Tourism Web Services - E-zine for travellers to Singapore with calendar of events, basic information, tips and business listings. - http://www.tws.com.sg/
Backpacker's Survey - Basic details of what to bring, where to go and what to do. - http://www.passplanet.com/Singapore/
ITIS Travelers - Detailed travel guide for Singapore for independent travelers including budget accommodation and transport information. - http://www.itisnet.com/english/asia/singapore/sp-top.htm
Singapore Guide - A virtual tour of interesting places in Singapore. Detailed information on restaurants, bars, discos and other entertainment. - http://www.dawncities.com
VisitorSingapore.com - Contains information on hotel accommodation, shopping, food, entertainment and local tours. - http://www.visitorsingapore.com
Expat Singapore - An informative resource targeted at the existing expatriate community as well as those planning on moving to the city state. - http://www.expatsingapore.com/