Oxford and Cambridge Society of Singapore - Organises social gatherings, activities, events and projects to promote social contact among Oxbridge alumni residing in Singapore, and to enhance the education of any person in or from Singapore. - http://asia.groups.yahoo.com/group/oxbridgesg/
Family Enrichment Society - Founded in 1998 by a group of concerned parents who share the common goal of enhancing the state of society by educating the society's core unit which is the family. - http://familyes.org.sg/
Action for AIDS - A voluntary, community-based organization committed to AIDS prevention, advocacy and support. They provide information on AIDS (in English and Malay) as well as on their current projects, and have an online newsletter. - http://www.afa.org.sg/
Make-A-Wish Foundation - Hopes to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. Provides information on the Foundation, as well as ways to donate, volunteer, and refer children. - http://www.makeawish.org.sg/
Youth.sg - A youth portal established by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports. It features upcoming events, youth projects and services, a blog and other articles. - http://youth.sg/
Heartware Network - Charitable organization under the National Youth Council, intended to network individuals and organizations in community service to "Make a Difference" (MAD). - http://www.heartware-network.org