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  Communications (5)

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Regular Websites in this category

The Singapore Centre for the Promotion of Nonviolent Communication Open in a new windowLink Details
- A non-profit organisation that aims to make training and materials relating to Dr Marshall Rosenberg's compassionate process, nonviolent communication, available to all those who want them.
- http://www.scpnvc.org.sg

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Telok Blangah Toastmasters Club Open in a new windowLink Details
- Monthly chapter meetings in Singapore help members and the public to improve communications and leadership skills.
- http://www.tbtoastmasters.org

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Toastmasters Open in a new windowLink Details
- A club that aims to help people for better speaking and presentations.
- http://www.toastmasters.org.sg

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The Information Communication Institute of Singapore Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information about courses on communication software applications and career opportunities in ICIS.
- http://www.icis.ntu.edu.sg

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