Mt. Pinatubo Eruption, 1991 - Offers a collection of photographs of the volcano and damage done to buildings, geological history, and global effects. -
Pinatubo Volcano: "The Sleeping Giant Awakens" - Gateway for information about the mountain's lore, pre-eruption manifestations, accounts of the 1991 eruption, and the aftermath. -
The Eruption of Mt. Pinatubo Archives - Photographs, scanned newspaper and magazine articles, and video clips covering the 1991 eruption. From the Wagner High School (Clark Air Force Base) Alumni site. -
Volcano World: Pinatubo, Philippines - General information and photographs from the 1991-1992 eruption, as well as links to additional images and resources. Sponsored by the University of North Dakota. -
Fire and Mud - U.S. Geological Survey online book about the eruptions and lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. -
Mount Pinatubo - Maps, images, background information, and eruption information from the USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory. -