The Government of Pakistan
- About the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, its component departments, the economy, cultural heritage, tourism, the Kashmir conflict and the latest press releases.
Pakistan Meteorological Department - Pakistan Meteorological Department's official web site contains information about weather forecasts, flood, Agromet and Geophysics. -
CIA - Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments: Pakistan - List of government officials and their titles, updated weekly. Also includes the head of the central bank, ambassadors to the United States and Permanent Representatives to the UN, New York. -
PEMRA - Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority, the television and radio regulator. -
Agribusiness Support Fund - The ASF provides farmers, farmer groups, and entrepreneurs with demand-driven technical and managerial services on a matching grant basis to improve their productivity, competitiveness and creditworthiness to access financing for their enterprises. The si -
World Statesmen - Pakistan - Review of the country's history, politics, leaders and international organizations and treaties. Includes map, constitution, national anthem and pictures of historical flags. -
IFES - Election Guide: Pakistan - Includes government overview, elections, news and links. -
Overseas Pakistanis Foundation - To advance the social welfare of the Pakistanis working or settled abroad and their families in Pakistan. -
Wikipedia - Pervez Musharraf - Hyperlinked encyclopedia article about the President of Pakistan. -
Pakistan Banking Mohtasib - The Mohtasib is a regulatory intermediary between the Banking industry and consumers. The site has details about how to complain, jurisdiction, FAQ and history. -
World Legal Information Institute - Pakistan - Catalog and search facilities for over 500 databases from 55 countries including case-law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals, and other materials. -
US Law Library of Congress - Pakistan - Annotated compendium of online sources providing access to primary documents, legal commentary and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics. -
International Commission of Jurists - Pakistan - Provides contact information for affiliated organizations along with links to relevant documents. -
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) - News and information on airports, flight schedules, flight standards, personnel licensing, air traffic services, CAA publications and the training institute. -
Ministry of Science and Technology 01/12/04 - Arm of the Government of Pakistan for planning, coordinating and directing efforts to initiate and launch scientific and technological programmes and projects aimed at economic development of the country. -
Kashmir Liberation Cell - Kashmir Liberation Cell, Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir provides news, articles and views. This is the Pakistani side of the conflict. Although many of the links do not work, the news items are regularly updated. -
Department of Plant Protection - Government of Pakistan - Information about Locust activity in the country as well as weather reports, tender notices. Site only works with Internet Explorer. -
Economic Affairs Division: Foreign training - Receives, processes and coordinates various offers of training, scholarships, and opportunities to participate in international seminars and conferences. Information about types of training, applications, and a FAQ. -
State Bank of Pakistan - Pakistan's Central Bank. Evolution, functions, and organization, and operation of monetary policy. -
Statistics Division - Includes the Federal Bureau of Statistics, the Population Census Organization and the Agricultural Census Organization. -
The Constitution of Pakistan - Full text with amendments and comments. -
National Accountability Bureau - NAB is a public organization carrying out across-the-board and transparent accountability to steer and guide the nation out of the abyss of corruption. -
Kahuta Research Laboratory - The center for nuclear technology and material science in Pakistan. -
Pakistan Software Export Board - The Pakistan Software Export Board attempts to facilitate software development and its export, match making of local and foreign software companies, establishment of Software Technology Parks, Call Centres and other IT related activities in Pakistan. -
National Reconstruction Bureau - Established by the Military Government to formulate policy and strategic options for national reconstruction for approval by the National Security Council. -
Population Census Organization - The official agency of Federal Government which is responsible for planning and execution of the decennial Population and Housing Census and release of its data for public and private use. -
National Savings Organization - The Organization dates back to 1873. The Website has details of saving schemes, application forms and details about prize bonds. -
Pakistan Computer Bureau - The Bureau is a government committee to keep an eye on the progress of IT development in the country. Provides services to computerize goverenment organizations. -
Pakistan Sports Board - PSB was established to promote and develop uniform standards of competition in sports in Pakistan, and to regulate and control sports in Pakistan on a national basis. -
NADRA - National Database and Registration Authority charged with the establishment of a new registration system for the entire population of Pakistan. -
SMEDA - Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority has been established to function as the apex policy-formulation body for the SME's. It is the voice of the SME's, both within and outside Pakistan. -
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority - The Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Pakistan. It is supposed to promote and protect the interests of telecommunication service providers and users, ensuring that the consumers get high quality services at competitive prices, with a reasonable ra -
National Fund For Cultural Heritage - The purpose of the Fund is to promote the conservation and preservation of national heritage of Pakistan. The website covers the Indus, Ghandara, Islamic, Sikh, British and Post-Independence periods. -
Geological Survey of Pakistan - The GSP's mission is to develop, interpret and provide geological information about the country in all its pertinent details that may lead to the prudent management of its natural resources and contribute to the well being and prosperity of its people. -
Privatisation Commission - THe PC has been set up to Privatise state owned enterprises in a transparent and equitable way. -
Board of Investment - Body charged with attracting investment into Pakistan. Provides information on investment opportunities, government policies, and facilities available. -
Finance Ministry - The Economic Survey is published annually as a pre-budget document. -
Pakistan Post Office - Pakistan Post Office is a Federal Government Department. This is an informative and well planned website. -
The United Nations in Pakistan - Official site provides information on the UN agencies, working groups, staff and operations. Includes programmes database, publications and reports. -