Kusatsu Onsen - Information on Kusatsu Onsen, one of the better known hot spring resort towns in Japan, including ryokan (guest house) information and a history of this particular hot spring. - http://www.kusatsu-onsen.org
OnsenExpress - Helping travellers to obtain information on some of Japan's hot springs and accompanying ryokan (Japanese style guest houses). - http://www.onsenexpress.com
Wikipedia: Onsen - A description of onsen, why they exist and what the Japanese use the water for. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onsen
Secret Onsen - A database containing more than 100 onsen all around Japan with maps, pictures and rating. Mostly focusing on rotenburo (ouside baths) and konyoku (mixed baths). - http://www.secret-japan.com/onsen/
SentoGuide - A guide to sento, Japanese public baths, including contact, location a facilities information for listed baths. - http://www.sentoguide.com
Ten Most Unique Sento - The ten most unique sento (public baths) in Japan. - http://park.org/Japan/Hitachi/nippon/sento/e/sent2005.htm
Fukuoka Onsen - A guide to hot springs in Fukuoka Prefecture. - http://www.fukuoka-tourism.net/e/hotspring.html
Hot Spring Index - Nationwide guide to hot springs across Japan. - http://www2.gol.com/users/jolsen/onsen/
Onsen Map - Stories and descriptions of hot springs in northern Japan. - http://www.east.co.jp/oyu/english/
Onsens of Japan - An English guide to onsen (hot springs) in Japan, grouped by region. - http://www.myguidejapan.com/
East Japan Day Trip Onsen Michelin - Hot springs within one day's drive from Tokyo. - http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ue3t-cb/index_e/index_e.htm