Landslide Map Database - Data and maps on the distribution of landslides and landsliding risk in Japan. -
The Landforms and Geology of Japan - Descriptions and maps of the country's major geologic and tectonic features, with more detailed discussions of the characteristics of specific regions. -
Encyclopedia of Japanese Reptiles - Catalog of all snakes native to Japan with their names and photos. -
Forbes - Pipe Dreams - Documents how hemp, used and smoked in Japan until the end of World War II, is once again being grown and promoted for agricultural purposes by a licensed advocate. -
Environmental Web Sites in Japan - Directory of organizations, research institutes, NGOs, government environmental information, and other science and environment sites. -
Japanese Scientific and Technical Information Search Broker - A specialized search engine that supports queries over information from selected web sites that contain Japanese Scientific and Technical Information. -
The Japan CS Project - Japanese Scientific and Technical Information. The JapanCS Project is dedicated to increasing the visibility and availability of Japanese science and technology information related to computing and computer science. -