Kyushu Economic Research Center - Undertakes research projects of the central government, local governments, and private businesses besides its own independent research, and offers information services on issues related to Kyushu. -
JapanAlive - Fun, free English chat, travel, music parties and exchange Japanese and Foreigner community for Kyushu residents. -
Kyushu Connection - A bilingual site where Japanese and international people in Kyushu can interact, find jobs and local information on events. -
Kyushu University - Organization, faculties, departments and units for Kyushu University, in Hakozaki Fukuoka City. -
Kyushu JALT - Contact listings for organizations for teachers in Kyushu as well as links to their national contacts. -
Rotary International District 2700 - Local chapter that consists of the whole of Fukuoka Prefecture, Iki and Tsushima Island in Nagasaki Prefecture, and Tosu in Saga Prefecture. -
Kyushu-Yamaguchi Economic Federation - An economic group made up of about 900 corporations in Kyushu and Yamaguchi Prefecture to enhance communication and cooperation in the economic community. -
Kyushu Economy International - Compreised of economic organizations, local authorities and private enterprises in Kyushu to promote the establishment of new industries and area rehabilitation through industrial location incentives. -