Maebashi Tokyu Inn - Located in Honmachi, Maebashi City. With photos of hotel and rooms, map and access guide, facilities, restaurants and bars, room rates, and online reservations. -
Ikaho Tokyu Villa - Provides access, map and parking information, hotel facilities, restaurants and bars, room rates, and online reservation form. Located in Ikaho Town. -
Manza Onsen Hotel - Located in Tsumagoi Village. Hot spring, restaurants, rooms, and hotel facilities information. Sightseeing information in four seasons. -
Nakazawa Village - Located in Kusatsu Town. Facility and sightseeing information -
Sarugakyo Hotel - Located in Minakami Town. Hot spring information, room type, dining, folktale, and online reservation. -
Kusatsu Hotel - Located in Kusatsu Town. Stay information, hot spring bath, and reservation inquiry and privilege. Information of the art museum in its facilities. -