Electronic Navigation Research Institute (ENRI) - Researches technologies of avionics such as electronic navigation, air traffic control, and satellite navigation. - http://www.enri.go.jp/eng/index_e.htm
Kishou - Japan Meteorological Agency. - http://www.jma.go.jp/JMA_HP/jma/indexe.html
The Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) - A national surveying and mapping organization of the MLIT that conducts basic survey and mapping and instructs related organizations to clarify the conditions of land in Japan. - http://www.gsi.go.jp/ENGLISH/
Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) - Carries out research and development, technical support, and dissemination of research results in the field of civil engineering technology. - http://www.pwri.go.jp/eindex.htm
Japanese Maritime Safety Agency (JMSA) - Maintains public order, performs oil pollution response, search and rescue, hydrographic surveys, oceanographic observations and navigational charts, publications, and related information. - http://www.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/e/index_e.htm