Korb, Ron - Flutist and composer's music is a fusion of jazz and world music. Discography, reviews, film and album credits, instrument collection, and tour dates. - http://www.ronkorb.com/
Music - Brief history of Japanese traditional music, from its roots to its present status. - http://web-japan.org/museum/music/about_mu.html
Kuni's Home Page - Information about Hi no Taiko with photographs and audio samples of performances with explanations and terms, a Yoko-bue, the Japanese bamboo flute, tutorial, and links to Taiko sites. [Japanese, English] - http://www.kuni-net.com/jindex.html
Taiko with Toni - Toni Yagami's Japanese Percussion Ensemble features taiko and other music in concert and workshops. - http://www.dmamusic.org/taikowithtoni
The Nishikawa Ensemble - Profile of the ensemble, touring schedule, and press reviews. - http://www.philmultic.com/ensemble/nishikawa/