Japanese Landscapes - Contemporary landscape and urban photography taken in the suburbs of Tokyo. - http://www.artbow.com/english/
Tomas Cermak - Pictures taken during trip to Japan, along with photograph and camera data. - http://www.pbase.com/tomas_cermak/japan
Specht, Juergen - Image galleries of a German photographer living in Tokyo. Contains artistic nudity, and strange fashion images. - http://www.juergenspecht.com/
Sean Green Photography - A British photographer now in Tokyo, focusing on beautiful women. - http://www.seangreenphotography.com/
Saiga Yuji - Features surreal, disturbing photographs of ruins and urban decay, including images in Gunkanjima, an abandoned island. - http://www.ne.jp/asahi/saiga/yuji/
PhotoGuide Japan - Information on photographers, galleries and museums, books, organizations, and articles. In English and Japanese. - http://www.photojpn.org/
Manabu Yamanaka Photograph - Takes photos of unusual people and cadavers with religious meanings attached. - http://www.ask.ne.jp/~yamanaka/
Kerry Raftis Photography - An Australian female photographer shows her work in Tokyo. - http://www.keyshots.com/
Kenkichi's Photo Gallery - Exhibits about 150 pictures taken by an amateur photographer Kenkichi Niwa. - http://oak.zero.ad.jp/~zbm39264/ken/index-e.htm
Dearing Film - A photo collage of Japanese people and things from 2003. - http://www.dearingfilm.com/photos/japan_2k3/
Conceiving Perception by Levi - A photography show with challenging visual conditioning. Also has pictures from various club events. - http://www.aphotobylevi.com/
ASB Creative - A photoblog with abstract images and observations about life in Japan. - http://www.asbcreative.com/
PhotoGuide Japan - Who'sWho - Biographies of Japanese photographers, past and present. Some illustrations. - http://photojpn.org/news/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=14&page=1
Cophy Moffee - Includes biographical information and photos of flowers in blue light. - http://www.ne.jp/asahi/web/cophy/
Photographs of Japanese Gardens - Features images of temples and gardens in Kyoto. Portfolio of William Corey. - http://www.williamcorey.com/
Floodgates Japan - Photo collection of floodgates as annonymous architecture in Japan. - http://www.kohan-studio.com/fgjapan/
YJP - Young Japanese Photographers - An organization which exhibits the works of young photographers, and publishes catalogs of the exhibits. Samples of items from past exhibits. - http://www.big.or.jp/~photo/yjp/yjp_e.htm