Hong Kong Weather Report - Personal blog featuring photos of various scenery in Hong Kong, annotated with the day's weather forecast. - http://hkdigit-weather.blogspot.com/
JasonWo.net - The personal website of Jason Wo. Provides personal profile, computing related tutorials, photos, blog, guestbook and links to sites of interest. - http://www.jasonwo.net/
Hajo Schatz - Personal website of Hajo Schatz, resident of Hong Kong. - http://hajo.net:8081
DelSesto Family - The DelSesto family on expatriate assignment in Hong Kong. Provides recent news, photos and a guestbook. - http://www.delsestofamily.org/
The Virtues of Harmony Network - Provides news about a popular television series aired in Hong Kong. - http://www.virtuesofharmony.net/
Flagrant Harbour - Provides commentaries on societal and political issues in Hong Kong. - http://www.flagrantharbour.com/
Hongkong Memories - Maggie Black's website about childhood memories in Hong Kong. - http://www.hongkongmemories.co.uk/
Blogging... Walk The Talk - A blog about history, architecture, identity and collective memory in urban spaces. - http://www.blogthetalk.com/
Gus' Home Online - Personal site of Angus Choy. Provides photos and links to sites of interest. - http://gus.illusion.com.hk/
Beccary - Becca's personal website and blog. - http://www.beccary.com/
Jeremiah Ytep - My Utmost for His Highest - A religious studies graduate in the Hong Kong Baptist University. Includes inspirational articles about Jesus. - http://home.pacific.net.hk/~jeremiah/
d. otted rhythm - The blog of a law graduate in Hong Kong. Covers photography, travels, webdesign, music and current affairs. - http://laihiu.nicesoda.com/
Spacehunt.info - Roger So's blog. Angry rants on an unjust world. - http://spacehunt.info/
Zhenning - Zhenning's life in Hong Kong, including photo gallery, weblog and photoblog. - http://www.znsunimage.com
Tony Kwok Man-Wai - Personal website of an anti-corruption consultant. - http://www.kwok-manwai.com/
Martin Cheng's web log and e-shop - Describes the site owner's school life and work. Also contains an online shopping area. - http://www.martincheng.com/
Trinity's Blog - A blog about Christianity, books, current affairs, art and movies. - http://trinity.idv.hk/blogger.html
Hongkie Town - The daily life and ravings of an American resident of Hong Kong. - http://laowai.blogspot.com/
Jeffrey Yuen's personal page - Commentaries on Hong Kong, computing, technology, and culture. - http://chiyuen.blogspot.com/
Super K Board - A blog of personal thoughts. - http://superkboard.typepad.com/super_k_board/
Keith.Solo - Keith's web diary, photo log, and graphical elements for downloading. - http://blog.icedsolo.com/
Li Liwei - The personal page of a Chinese expatriate and artist in Hong Kong with stories of daily life. - http://www.liliwei.com/
Vichy Ho's Personal Page - Contains the owner's biography, research information and a photo gallery. - http://www.vichyho.com/