Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau - Anti-spam website - Provides the definition of spam, regulatory measures and related ordinances, introduction to technical solutions, educational material and online games. -
Hong Kong People's Alliance on WTO - A network of grass-root organisations concerned about the World Trade Organisation's activities. -
Intellectual Property Rights Protection Alliance - Established jointly by the Customs and Excise Department and the intellectual property rights industry. Provides information on intellectual property, current events, product identification knowledge, and details of the "Youth Ambassador Against Inte -
Five-day week in the Government - Introduces the Government's plan to implement a five-day week in its offices. Provides details of each phase of implementation, questions and answers, and press releases. -
Government Data Security - The IPCC Case - Provides a personal account of how the Independent Police Complaints Council's data leakage was discovered and disclosed. Contains links to relevant parties, government press releases, and historical information. -
People's Panel on West Kowloon - Discusses the long term planning of the West Kowloon Project. Provides an overview of the panel, its activities, its statements and articles written by members. -