Island Golf Club - A driving range located in Shau Kei Wan. Provides introduction to facilities, pricing information, golf lessons, coach profiles, transport information. -
Central Golf - Information about their training facilities, membership and equipments. -
Charity Golf For Disabled Children - Rules, sign up form, prizes and photo galleries of past touraments. -
The Hong Kong Golf Club - Information about the club, golf courses and competition. Also, provides a separate section for female members. -
Hong Kong Pro Golf - Weekend golf outings from Hong Kong to Southern China, Free USGA handicap cards, Golf training, Al Morales PGA, Online pro shop, China golf course guide -
Hong Kong Golf Association - News and information including courses, upcoming tournaments, and rules on handicapping. -
Good Golfing - A company that provides personal golf training. Information on their training lessons and the company. Also, provides general tips and equipment information. -