The Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal - Acts as a safeguard to ensure that regulatory decisions made by relevant regulatory authorities including the Securities and Futures Commission and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority are reasonable and fair. -
Insider Dealing Tribunal - Contains information about the Insider Dealing Tribunal and its work, and the full text of the Tribunal's published reports. -
Civil Justice Reform, The Judiciary - Keeps the public updated on the continuing processing of the review of civil rules and procedures of High Court. -
The Resource Centre for Unrepresented Litigants - Provides assistance to unrepresented litigants who are parties to or about to commence civil proceedings in the High Court or the District Court. -
Bilingual Laws Information System - Maintains a searchable electronic database of the statute laws of Hong Kong, and an English-to-Chinese and Chinese-to-English glossary of legal terms. -
The Guardianship Board - A quasi-judicial tribunal to conduct hearings to make guardianship orders for adults with decision-making incapacities. -
Community Legal Information Centre - Provides legal information for the general public, and informs the general public about where to seek free or subsidised legal assistance. -
Hong Kong Judiciary - Provides an overview of the judicial system of Hong Kong. -