Water Supplies Department - News and events, customer information and services, plumbing and engineering, information and publications, press releases and tender notices, education and community. - http://www.wsd.gov.hk/
The Treasury - Information about the department, locations, download forms, tender notices, access to information, payment of government bills, and latest news. - http://www.try.gov.hk
Registration and Electoral Office - Making recommendations for the delineation of geographical constituencies and District Council constituencies, regulations, guidelines and arrangements for the conduct of elections and supervising the registration of electors. - http://www.reo.gov.hk
Legal Aid Department - Latest news, general information, legal aid schemes, panel, and ordinances, and publications. - http://www.lad.gov.hk
Lands Department - Short term tenancy, pre-sale consents, practice notes and circulars, map sales, tender information, service desk, news and events, and department history. - http://www.landsd.gov.hk
Government Property Agency - To provide government accommodation to enable efficient delivery of public services. - http://www.gpa.gov.hk/
Government Flying Service - The GFS is committed to providing safe and professional flying services to the community of Hong Kong. - http://www.gfs.gov.hk/
Drainage Services Department - The Drainage Services Department is determined to provide quality services both in sewage treatment and disposal, and in flood prevention. - http://www.dsd.gov.hk/
Companies Registry - Provide information on company registry in Hong Kong - http://www.cr.gov.hk
Census and Statistics Department - The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) is the provider of official statistics in Hong Kong. - http://www.censtatd.gov.hk/
Audit Commission - Provides an independent and professional audit service to help the Government enhance public sector efficiency and performance - http://www.aud.gov.hk/
Transport Department - Information about the department, publications, contact details and transport guide. - http://www.td.gov.hk/
Intellectual Property Department - To provide high-quality and responsive patent, trademark and designs registration services to the public in Hong Kong, China. - http://www.ipd.gov.hk/
Buildings Department - Sets and enforces standards of safety, health and environment for private buildings and building works in Hong Kong. - http://www.bd.gov.hk/
Invest Hong Kong - Promotes inward investment by providing assistance to corporations looking for investment opportunities in Hong Kong. - http://www.investhk.gov.hk/
Department of Justice - Conducts prosecutions, drafts all government legislation, and advises government bureaux and departments on legal issues. - http://www.doj.gov.hk/
Labour Department - Provides information related to labour and employment, latest news and publications. - http://www.labour.gov.hk/
Civil Aviation Department - Regulates the air transport system in Hong Kong. Provides details of the prohibition area around Hong Kong Disneyland. - http://www.cad.gov.hk/
Social Welfare Department - Provide social welfare and assist NGO welfare organizations - http://www.swd.gov.hk/
Rating & Valuation Department - To provide equitable valuations for the efficient and timely collection of rates and government rent. - http://www.rvd.gov.hk/en/home/index.htm
Immigration Department - Includes an introduction to the department and its organisation, notices and information on documents and formalities and related statistics. - http://www.immd.gov.hk/ehtml/home.htm
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department - The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department has the mission to provide other government departments, public and the community with a comprehensive range of professional and reliable services in the areas of building services, electrical, mechanical - http://www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/eng/welcome/index.shtml
Tobacco Control Office, Department of Health - Provides an introduction to service areas, tobacco related statistics, information on smoking and health, and a picture gallery. - http://www.tobaccocontrol.gov.hk/eng/
Hong Kong Public Libraries - Provides free library facilities to the public, promotes literary research, and organises cultural activities. Contains library locations and information, upcoming events and activities, the library catalogue, and other electronic resources. - http://www.hkpl.gov.hk/
Health and Medical Development Advisory Committee - Assists the government to set strategic directions for the development and financing of health and medical services in Hong Kong. - http://www.hwfb.gov.hk/hmdac/
Hong Kong Observatory - Provides weather forecasting, tropical cyclone warning, radiation monitoring and assessment, and various other meteorological and geophysical services. - http://www.weather.gov.hk/
Official Receiver's Office - Administers court insolvencies for both bankruptcies and the compulsory liquidation of companies. - http://www.oro.gov.hk/
Trade and Industry Department - responsible for conducting Hong Kong's international trade relations, implementing trade policies and agreements, as well as providing general support services for industries and small and medium enterprises. - http://www.tid.gov.hk/
Hong Kong Marine Department Home Page - To ensure safe operation of the port and all Hong Kong waters as well as the administration of the Hong Kong Shipping Register - http://www.mardep.gov.hk/
Information Services Department - Serves as the Government's public relations consultant, publisher, advertising agent and news agency. - http://www.isd.gov.hk/index.htm
Hongkong Post - Provide postal service in Hong Kong - http://www.hongkongpost.com/eng/main.htm
Government Logistics Department - Provides logistics support services in the areas of procurement and supplies, transport operation and management as well as printing services. - http://www.gld.gov.hk/
Government Laboratory - The Government Laboratory provides analytical, investigatory and advisory services to enable Government departments to meet their responsibilities. - http://www.govtlab.gov.hk/
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department - To ensure that food is fit for human consumption and to maintain a clean and hygienic living environment for the people of Hong Kong - http://www.fehd.gov.hk/
Fire Services Department - Responsible to extinguish fire, safe life and property and fire-prevention education. - http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/home/
Civil Aid Service, Hong Kong - To provide supplementary resources to augment regular emergency services for maintaining a safe and stable society. - http://www.cas.gov.hk/
Auxiliary Medical Services - Provides supplementary medical service to the people of Hong Kong in times of emergency. - http://www.info.gov.hk/ams/
Hong Kong Police - Includes related notices, information on the organisation, recruitment information and a list of retired officers. - http://www.info.gov.hk/police/index.htm
Hong Kong Housing Authority And Housing Department - The Housing Authority, a statutory body established under the Housing Ordinance, is responsible for determining and implementing public housing programmes. The re-constituted Housing Department is headed by the Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning an - http://www.housingauthority.gov.hk
Environmental Protection Department - Latest news and events, history, laws and regulations, application for licenses, education, resources and publications, business and job opportunities. - http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/eindex.html
Home Affairs Department - Get the latest news, publications, access to information, public services and forms, tender notices, job vacancies, and history of the department. - http://www.had.gov.hk/en/about_us/welcome_message/welcome.htm
Inland Revenue Department - Department news and history, publications and press releases, policies, tax information for businesses and individuals, public forms, electronic services, and tender notices. - http://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/welcome.htm
Land Registry - Explains the services that the department offers, outlines history, statistics, and public services. - http://www.landreg.gov.hk/index-en.htm
Highways Department - It is responsible for planning, design, construction and maintenance of the public road system. - http://www.hyd.gov.hk/
Department of Health - The Department of Health is the Government's health adviser and agency to execute health care policies and statutory functions. - http://www.info.gov.hk/dh/