B4 Design Ltd. - A creative house specialising in print media solutions. - http://www.b4design.com.hk/
AOCOM International - Offers communication solutions for marketers, including online and offline marketing services. - http://www.aocom.biz/
SMSCaster - Develops and sells SMS message broadcasting software for electronic marketing purposes. - http://www.smscaster.com/
Direct Marketing of Asia Limited - Offers direct marketing, e-mail marketing, street delivery and customer relationship management services. - http://www.dm-asia.com/
Venue Alliance - Provides a marketing platform of restaurants around Hong Kong to allow companies to saturate selected venues or an entire street with their message. - http://www.venuealliance.com/
Yacca & Design Co. - Provides print and online media services, including brand identity design and production planning. - http://www.yacca.com/
Rikes Communications Limited - Offers professional support services to help clients execute their public relations programmes. - http://www.rikes.com.hk/
JCDecaux Pearl & Dean Ltd. - An outdoor media company specialising in advertising concessions of Hong Kong transport systems and affiliated shopping malls, Hong Kong International Airport and Macau International Airport. - http://www.jcdecaux.com.hk/
Wilson Advertising Agency - Provides services in recruitment and education advertising, outdoor and online promotions. - http://www.wagency.com.hk/
MarketShare Pte. Ltd. - Offers Asian market research consulting services. - http://www.marketshare.com.hk/
Pop Link Promotions - Provides marketing services, including coordinating promotional activities and press conferences, and editing company newsletters. - http://www.poplink.hk/main.php?section=profile&lang=english
Focus Media - Delivers advertisements using LCD televisions located at the elevator waiting area of business and commercial buildings. - http://www.focusmedia.tv/
Hong Kong Cable News Express Limited - Provides news contents for passenger trains, and acts as advertising agent. - http://www.21126879.com/index.asp?dir=ads&lang=uk
Cadence Systems - Offers multimedia based advertising and infotainment solutions. - http://www.cadence-systems.com/
38 Advertising Associates - Specialises in recruitment and education advertising. Offers services in print advertising, outdoor advertising and online promotion. - http://www.38aa.com.hk/
Emotive Studio - Offers services in product, graphic and packaging design to facilitate product development. - http://www.emotivestudio.com/
HeliAds - Offers rental of helicopter-towed advertising banners. - http://www.heliads.com.hk/
Sign Ad Products Supermarket - Manufactures signs and other advertising materials. Includes an online catalogue, online ordering service and a related FAQ. - http://www.sign.com.hk/
Atlas Advertising - Provides consolidating service for direct mail advertisers to Hong Kong households. - http://www.atlasgroup.biz/atlasads.htm
Mediabox Productions - Mediabox Productions is a Hong Kong based film and video producer. - http://www.mediabox.com.hk
See Hear Productions Ltd. - Award-winning production company offering voice-over, narration and creative media services including concept, sigs, logos and original music. - http://www.seehear.net/
Tong, McKnew and Nachtigall - Design consultancy specialising in brand identity and positioning. - http://www.tmndesign.com/
Ecdraw - E-commerce, advertising and promotion services. - http://www.ecdraw.com