Xizang-Zhiye - Information about Tibet, Dalai Lama, Tibetans in exile, and human rights. Main content is in traditional and simplified Chinese, summary in English. - http://www.xizang-zhiye.org/xz/
TibetNet - Official site of the Tibetan government in exile. The Dalai Lama, parliament, cabinet (the Kashag), departments, and public offices. - http://www.tibet.net/
Tibetan Government in Exile at a Glance - Brief summary of information about Tibet and the government in exile. - http://www.princeton.edu/~shawatw/tibetex.html
Demton Khang - The Tibet Museum - Established by the Department of Information and International Relations. Features exhibitions and information about the museum in India, a photographic archive, and articles for sale. - http://www.thetibetmuseum.org/