Butra HeidelbergCement - The only cement manufacturer in Brunei. Provides brief profile of the company and the plant highlights. - http://www.bruneicement.com/
Survey Service Consultants - Consulting land surveyors providing topographical, cadastral, hydrographic and engineering surveys. - http://www.brunet.bn/php/ssc/ssc_home.htm
Baharuddin & Associates - Consulting engineers providing professional engineering and project management services. - http://www.brunet.bn/php/bace/index.htm
ISS Thomas Cowan - Services include building maintenance, pest control services and drainage. - http://www.issbrunei.com.bn/
HSE Engineering Sdn Bhd - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Contractor providing engineering services & design in a variety of areas. - http://www.brunet.bn/php/hse/hse.htm