Web.com.bd - Bangladesh web design company based in Dhaka. Provides website design, web application, flash and graphics design services to local and outsourcing clients. - http://web.com.bd
BTTB Online - Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board official website. Services include rates, telecom policy, online billing, and newsletter. - http://www.bttb.net/
Dot Com - Cyber cafe in Chittagong city; offers internet access, internet phone and web development. - http://www.dotcombd.com
Worldwide Information Superhighway Limited (WISH) - Offers a wide range of IT services and solutions including software development, e-commerce, hardware design, consulting and training. - http://www.wishbd.com
Base Limited - Operation includes training, software development and consulting. An Oracle training center. Describes company, available courses and schedules. - http://www.baseltd.com
Proshika Computer Systems - Provides a range of IT solutions, including networking, web design, software development, and training. Includes descriptions of services. - http://www.bangladeshonline.com/pcs/