Tahirov, Parviz - Personal information, written works, anecdotes in Russian. - http://www.tahirov.com/
Bashirov, Novruz - Biography, photos, family, Karate lessons and news. - http://www.novruz.com/
Mehdiyev, Rashid - Home page of Azerbaijanian physicists working at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia. - http://sunse.jinr.ru/~mehdiyev/azeri.html
Kerimov, Azer - A personal page of professor of mathematics at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. - http://www.fen.bilkent.edu.tr/~kerimov/fenis2.html
Orkhan & Azerbaijan - Personal web-site with information about the creator, Azerbaijan, Armenian terror and links to other related sites. - http://orxanazeri.narod.ru
Vologin, Igor - Prince Igor's site - Personal information, photos, funny pictures, games, software, links. - http://princeigor.narod.ru/english/index.html
Memmedov, Kenan - Personal information, about Azerbaijan and Baku, useful links. - http://www.kenan-az.narod.ru/
Khanlarov, Vusal - Biography, about Azerbaijan, photos of Baku. - http://vusal.aznet.org/vusal/
Huseynov, Javid - A Java enhanced homepage containing personal information and pictures, as well as several scientific topical essays on the history of Azerbaijan. - http://www.ics.uci.edu/~javid/
Allahverdiyev, Fariz - Personal information and photo album. - http://fariz73.narod.ru
Javadov, Fuad - Music Web Site - Music, pictures of Baku, photos of Azerbaijani people living out of Azerbaijan and ICQ users list. - http://www.javadov.com/
Akhundzadeh, Nail - Personal information and resume. - http://nail.sitecity.ru
Abdullah, Vugar - Biography, photos, a lot of information about Azerbaijan and Sheki. - http://www.vugar.4mg.com/