Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics - An arm of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences. Introduces the following divisions and laboratories: radio astronomy, microwave systems, theoretical physics, solid state physics, millimeter-wave devices, electronic automation and semiconductor electr -
Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute - Manufactures systems of communication, electronic equipment of various destination and develops software. Features a catalog of products. -
National Foundation of Science and Advanced Technologies - Awards grants and allocates funds to research groups in order to develop the scientific and engineering potential in the country. Includes a list of activities, programs, partners, news and articles from the press. -
Fiber Optics Communication Laboratory - A division of the State Engineering University. Features information on projects. -
Armenian Tree Project - Information on the reforestation programs in the country with online tree ordering. -
Yerevan Physics Institute - Includes information on divisions, groups, activities, conferences and publications as well as partners and news. -
Cosmic Ray Division of YerPhI - Contains data collected during experiments on high altitude stations as well as news, images, information on projects, publications and conferences. -