KoBulawayo.com - Online guide providing local news, useful addresses, and general information for tourists and visitors. - http://www.kobulawayo.com/
Bulawayo Publicity Association - Organized to publicize daily aspects of the city, including social, political and administrative events. Details association's profile and activity, with information on accommodation and travel services in the area, recreation resorts and artistic events. - http://www.arachnid.co.zw/bulawayo/
Bulawayo1872.com - General portal offering ex-Africans an opportunity to reunite with friends. - http://www.bulawayo1872.com
Bulawayo Information - Site listing numerous links for matters connected with Zimbabwe and Bulawayo. - http://www.colinfleming.plus.com/
Queens Sports Club - Venue for international cricket matches in Bulawayo. - http://content.cricinfo.com/zimbabwe/content/ground/59537.html
Bulawayo Athletic Club - Alternate venue for international cricket matches. - http://content.cricinfo.com/zimbabwe/content/ground/59534.html
Bulawayo Synagogue Memorial Site - Memorial to the historic Bulawayo Hebrew Congregation synagogue. - http://www.bulawayo-shul.com
Development Committee for the City of Bulawayo - Consisting of personalities from the city's business sector, the committee lobbies for development in the City. - http://dcb.www5.50megs.com/