Tanzania - Photos from Tanzania; including Lake Victoria, the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater and Zanzibar. - http://www.etravelphotos.com/tanzania.html
Introduction to Africa: Tanzania - Photographs of people and places from around the country. - http://www.rikkyo.ne.jp/~z5000002/tanzania/z-tanzania/tanzania-z.htm
Tanzania Travel Pictures - Photography gallery of Tanzania and Zanzibar, including wildlife, architecture, and people. From an August 2002 trip. - http://www.kirikou.com/tanzania/tanzania.htm
Photographs - Images of Zanzibar, and mainland national parks. - http://www.alovelyworld.com/webtanz/tanzania.html
University of Texas Libraries - Tanzania Maps - Country, city and thematic maps from the Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas, along with links to maps on other web sites. - http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/tanzania.html