Oceanographic Research Institute (ORI) - Strives to stimulate community awareness of the marine environment through education and promote wise, sustainable use of marine resources through scientific investigation. Research programs, standpoints, and fish weight calculator. - http://www.ori.org.za/
The South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity - The home page of the institute formerly known as the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology, the scientific 'home' of the Coelacanth. - http://www.saiab.ru.ac.za/
Institute for Water Research - The objectives of the Institute for Water Research are to contribute to the knowledge of and promote the understanding and wise use of natural water resources in Southern Africa. - http://www.ru.ac.za/departments/iwr/
Human Sciences Research Council - We specialize in the Humanities and Social Sciences Research. Our site is designed for the most recent browser releases. It includes research material in document format, searchable databases, downloadable programs, subscriptions to periodicals and acc - http://www.hsrc.ac.za/