Durattract Plastics Conversion Specialists - Designers and manufacture of plastic products for the automotive, industrial, and point of sale industries. - http://www.durattract.co.za
Gentech - Manufacturer of a range of cast polyurethane elastomer components, as well as other injection moulded parts. - http://www.gentechpu.com/
Vaal Rubber & Plastics - Main services include injection moulding, metal pressing, electro plating and tool and die making. - http://www.vaalrubberandplastics.co.za/
RGM Plastics - Injection and blow-moulded plastic products. - http://www.rgmplastics.co.za/
G & T Plastics - Manufacturers of innovative plastic products and specialists in vacformers and assemblers. - http://www.gandtplastics.co.za/