FemSud Consult - Private company assists poor women in Africa by consolidating projects and offer material support. Located in Wageningen, The Netherlands. - http://www.africanpoints.com/
Tools for Self Reliance - Supports workers in some of the world's poorest countries by providing basic hand-tools and helping promote local tool-making initiatives. - http://www.tfsr.org/
Self Help Development International - Specialises in long-term famine prevention. Aims to help Africans to become self sufficient through development. All projects are designed to become self sufficient & self sustaining. - http://www.selfhelpintl.ie
GoedgedachtForum for Social Reflection (GFSR) - Nonpartisan, Catholic Social Teaching-guided South African think tank studying social, economic and political issues and sponsoring training, poverty relief, and other social programs. Site includes publications and reports, trust information, and directo - http://www.goedgedacht.org.za/
Alliance for Community Transformation (ACTAfrica) - A non-profit dedicated to facilitating strategic partnerships for poverty alleviation and democratic development. Works with African universities and local communities to establish programs for collaborative community development. - http://www.actafrica.org
African Salvation Group Corp. - USA organization developing programs to provide basic social services to ordinary African citizens. [English, French] - http://www.asgroup.org/
Africa Leadership Forum - Organises conferences and publications to help cope with Africa's leadership and development crisis. - http://www.africaleadership.org/
Africa Bridge - Seeks to provide a forum for leaders in Africa and the West to work as equals to identify and define innovative approaches and projects to improve the lives of people in Africa. - http://www.africabridge.org/
DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa) - News and informationabout Bono's campaign to raise awareness about Africa including unpayable debts, the uncontrolled spread of AIDS, and unfair trade rules which keep Africans poor. Includes annual report and action center. - http://www.data.org/
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) - Africa - IDP database provides reports, news, maps and other resources pertaining to conflict-induced internally displaced persons. - http://www.internal-displacement.org/8025708F004CE90B/(httpRegionPages)/B3BA6119B705C145802570A600546F85?OpenDocument
The Damietta Initiative - Welcoming people of all faiths to encourage non-violence and peace throughout Africa in the Spirit of St Francis of Assisi. Includes news, FAQs, prayers, photo gallery and ways to help. - http://www.damiettapeace.org.za/
Stand With Africa. A Campaign of Hope - Campaign coalition of Lutheran World Relief, the ELCA World Hunger Program and the LCMS World Relief supporting African churches and communities as they withstand AIDS, banish hunger and build peace. Includes youth program, resource materials and how to h - http://www.standwithafrica.org/
Funsani UK - UK-based registered charity working with NGOs to care for orphans and other vulnerable children, including HIV/AIDS orphans. Information on programs, partnerships, membership and how to donate. - http://funsani.org.uk/
UNESCO - Priority Africa - News and information on their strategy, programme, who's who and resources. Additional information and documents by country and theme. [English, French, Spanish] - http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=19521&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
African Health Foundation - Massachusetts-based non-profit organization assisting communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Includes information on current projects and how to help. - http://www.ahfhope.org/
Association of African Women for Research and Development (AAWORD) - Pan-African NGO undertakes and supports research and training and advocacy to promote the economic, political and social rights of African women. Includes research programs, training, seminars, documents and youth programs. [English, French] - http://www.afard.org/
BBC News - In Depth: Africa After The Promises - Ongoing news, analysis and features about the 2005 G8 pledges of aid and debt relief. Includes photos, audio, video and forum. - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/business/2006/africa_after_the_promises/default.stm
United Nations Development Programme - Africa - Official UNDP Africa site provides news, speeches, statements and publications along with information about its activities, progress, Millenium Development Goals, partnerships and staff. Focused on poverty, health, governance, environment, natural resourc - http://www.undp.org/rba/
Catholic Relief Services - Africa - News and information about CRS projects including food security, peace building, HIV/AIDS, civil society building, Emergency Response and health. - http://www.crs.org/our_work/where_we_work/overseas/africa/index.cfm
Life & Peace Institute - Africa Programmes - Activities include peace and conflict research, training and education, capacity building and other relevant support to civil society. News and information on their Horn of Africa Porgramme and Somalia Peace Project, and their Conflict Transformation Prog - http://www.life-peace.org/default2.asp?xid=561
Lubuto Library Project - Provides library collections for orphans and other vulnerable children affected by the AIDS crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. Includes FAQ, newsletter, photos, press room and how to donate. - http://www.lubuto.org/
Turtle Will - Dedicated to the improvement of the lives of traditional peoples in Ethiopia, Mali and Niger in a manner that is consistent with their traditions and cultures, through locally driven projects that maintain choice. - http://www.turtlewill.org/
Christian Aid - Africa 2005 - Group tackling the causes of poverty and injustice explains their work with the Africa Commission and their response to its official Report. Includes information on how to get involved. - http://www.christianaid.org.uk/africa2005/
Commission for Africa - Official site of Tony Blair's Commission includes the March 2005 Report of recommended measures to achieve the goal of a strong and prosperous Africa. Includes archives, timeline and outreach information for schools. [English, French] - http://www.commissionforafrica.org/
The World Bank - AFTH2 - Promotes primary education, basic health coverage, and social protection in 16 Central and West African countries. - http://www.worldbank.org/afr/afth2
Ohio University - Institute for the African Child - Promotes research, teaching and service that consider children in Africa's socio-economic development. Offers workshops, conferences and papers. - http://www.ohio.edu/afrchild/
African Foundation for Development (AFFORD) - Supporting the African diaspora in the UK to contribute to wealth and job creation in Africa. Includes news and information about activities, events and membership. - http://www.afford-uk.org/
Sunugal Education Fund - USA organization supporting underprivileged children's education in West Africa. - http://www.sunugaleducation.org/
SOS Children's Villages - Africa - Presents maps and country information about SOS facilities and programmes. - http://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/cgi-bin/sos/jsp/wherewehelp.do?lang=en&site=ZZ&nav=2.3&c=11557
AvRICA - NGO providing aid to rural African communities via aviation; project details. - http://www.avrica.org/
Africare - Specializes in helping Africa by helping alleviate hunger, building water wells, treating childhood diseases, and supporting social empowerment. Page includes crisis news, positive developments and office locations. - http://www.africare.org/
ReliefWeb - Africa - Provides latest updates on emergencies, sector reports, appeals and financial tracking along with background information and employment vacancies. - http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/dbc.nsf/doc115?OpenForm&rc=1
USAID - Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS) - Provides overview briefs, weather hazards with imagery and maps, livelihoods, special reports, and contingency and response planning reports. Includes food security status reports on current emergencies, warnings and watches. - http://www.fews.net/
Transform Africa - Member network of training, research and advocacy organisations aiming to improve the effectiveness of the NGO sector to fight poverty in Africa. Includes news, programs, activities, partners and country profiles. - http://www.transformafrica.org
Charity Navigator - Africa - Independent charity evaluator provides free financial evaluations of America's charities, aimed at the individual donor. Offers news and information on wise giving and charity ratings. - http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm/bay/africa/cid/35.htm
Foundation for the Development of Africa - Africa sustainable development non profit organisation; campaign for support of NEPAD. - http://www.isupportafrica.com/
Africa Live Database - Access to development data for decision makers in Africa, both within and outside government. - http://www4.worldbank.org/afr/stats/ldb.cfm
African Information Society Youth Network - A regional youth information and communication electronic network. Its objective is to facilitate and coordinate the implementation of youth-targeted ICT-programmes in the context of promoting sustainable youth livelihood, education and enterpreneurship o - http://aisyn.8m.com/aisyn.htm