First postcode for remote UK isle - The BBC tells the tale of how Tristan Da Cunha acquired the postcode TDCU 1ZZ. -
Tristan Times - The island's online newspaper. -
Tristan da Cunha - Barry Weaver's Tristan page contains both a history of the island and a short bibliography. It's part of his South Atlantic Islands site. -
FCO Country Profiles - Tristan da Cunha - Notes on geography, history, politics, economy, international relations, travel, current affairs. -
Replica Longboats - Another site selling replica longboats -
Tristan da Cunha Group and Gough Island - Some notes on the plant species of Tristan and Gough -
Augustus Earle Exhibition : Tristan da Cunha - Earle was stranded there in March 1824 when his ship, the Duke of Gloucester, inexplicably set sail without him. (Many of his South American watercolours presumably disappeared at that time as well.) It was fortunate that Earle had taken painting equipmen -
The Annals of Tristan da Cunha - A fascinating record of the history of Tristan from 1506 to 1926, written by Professor Arnaldo Faustini. It contains details of all ships calling at the island, detailed censuses and all major historical events. Downloadable in Adobe .PDF format -
A detailed history of Tristan da Cunha - A detailed history of Tristan da Cunha, discovered in 1506, garissoned in 1816 and currently the most remote inhabited island in the world. The site covers the garissoning of the island in some detail, along with the "West Riding" disaster an -