The Malam Haliru Memorial Page - A collection of documentation about a historian who lived in Wurno, Nigeria, sometime capital of the Sokoto Caliphate. -
Usuman dan Fodio - A profile of the Fulani religious and political leader, who established the Sokoto caliphate. [The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001] -
Usman dan Fodio and the Sokoto Caliphate - A history of the Sokoto Caliphate and its origins in the disenchantment of Muslim scholars and teachers with the insecurity of the Hausa states and Borno. -
Some Contributions of the Sokoto Caliphate Scholars to the Study of Medicine - Includes a brief history of the Sokoto Jihad (1804-1810) aimed at the restoration of Islam in Hausaland, which led to the Sokoto Caliphate; and a discussion of medical scholars of the time. -